a variety of musical instruments in Indonesia

Rindik Traditional Musical Instruments Of Bali

Rindik Traditional Musical Instruments Of Bali

Rindik Traditional Musical Instruments Of Bali

Rindik is one of Indonesian traditional musical instrument made of bamboo pieces. And Rindik become a typical traditional musical instruments of Bali, generally used bamboo for bamboo Rindik usually an option, so it is not easy to break and produce a good sound. This instrument is played alternately be struck with a percussion instrument that produces a melodious voice.

In Bali itself, this Rindik is one of the traditional musical instruments are very famous. Rindik usually presented as a musical accompaniment pole dancing. Furthermore Rindik often shown to accompany the wedding ceremony or reception. Stem distinctive voice is perfect and makes the atmosphere in the case more so romantic.

Rindik is a bamboo musical instrument had been cut and arranged by size. The number of bamboo pieces usually consists of 11 rooms to 13 rooms. Each piece of bamboo has a different size and a different tone. The larger the size, the lower slope bamboo, bamboo For the smallest hand are produced tones. Bamboo is disposed above the lower starting point in the left corner to the right top corner on your tone.

Rindik tones produced by a pentatonic or Slendro Laras tone, which means that only 5 in the main tone. Rindik is played with two rubber rods and have different sizes. size batting normally used in the left hand and vice versa. Indeed, the tone in the lower left so that when there is a balanced tone is played.

How to play a musical instrument Rindik

How to play this Rindik also requires special skills and feel good. Rindik usually played with both hands, where the functions are different. On the right hand while the left plays rhythm plays the melody. So, when combined produce a melodious voice.

Players also Rindik divided into two types, the first to play the song / director Gending and sangsih plays. If you combine both a harmonious sound is produced. In the game there are also technical call Rindik ngundil stroke, ie performed handed players running technique where major hit sangsih left hand drill Intercrop actors were mixed. Tube Joged in the show, these techniques are often called jègog.

The development of the musical instrument Rindik
In its development, music Rindik become one of the musical instruments that are more flexible and have more features. It can also be used as a companion of dance, music Rindik can also be displayed as musical shows such as marriage and the companion reception. You can also visit the cultural festival, a great host and other cultural events.

So the introduction of "Rindik Bali Traditional musical instruments." I hope to be useful and increase your knowledge about the various traditional arts of Indonesia.

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Posted by Jhason yhoung, Published at 10:08 AM and have 0 comments

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